1 - STOP YOUR PAIN NOW! Tapping Techniques (3)
How long do the effects of the Stop Your Pain Now! tapping treatments last?
The most common question asked about pain relief from using the Stop Your Pain Now! techniques is “How long does it last?” There is no set answer to this question.
There are cases where using Stop Your Pain Now! techniques have totally and permanently eliminated pain that has been present for many years. In other cases, the pain relief is temporary.
The difference between temporary and permanent pain relief from Stop Your Pain Now! techniques depends on the cause of the pain. If the pain is due to an active, ongoing process such as a hormonal imbalance causing menstrual cramps, then the pain will recur then next time the woman’s period comes around. The Stop Your Pain Now! techniques are useful natural remedies and should be performed to reduce pain and help avoid over-the-counter medications and their possible side effects, but they are not designed to address an underlying hormonal imbalance. For this, you must see your doctor, preferably one trained in natural health care approaches for endocrine (glandular) system balancing.
On the other hand, if the pain is present due to a “short-circuit” in the nervous system that resulted from an injury, then the Stop Your Pain Now! techniques are often totally effective. Stop Your Pain Now! techniques are designed to “reset” the nervous system’s “short-circuits” by using a combination of the modern neurology of pain with ancient acupuncture / acupressure meridian principles. Often, one correction will result in permanent relief.
Nutritional needs are the most common cause of incomplete pain relief or recurrent pain after using the Stop Your Pain Now! techniques. These are addressed briefly in the Stop Your Pain Now! handbook and audio CD and also in my DVD video presentation entitled Stop Your Pain Now! A Self-help Guide For Acute & Chronic Pain (Injuries, Arthritis, Low Back Pain & Much More!) Each of these items is available in our Better Health Shoppe.
How firm is the tapping?
Tap with your fingertip with about the same pressure you would use to tap a table top or a piece of fruit to see if it is ripe. It should not be hard enough to hurt the area being tapped, nor to create a bruise. But it should be firm enough to get to the deeper layers of the skin.
Can I tap the acupressure tapping points for someone else?
Yes. And someone else could tap yours for you. Sometimes it is preferable for another person to tap the acupressure tapping points while you perform the “something else” part of the technique.
3 - NUTRITON: The Worst Thing You Can Eat (1)
What is the worst thing in the diets of people in our society?
There is no doubt about this one. It is trans fats. Trans fats are partially hydrogenated fats and oils. You will see the words “partially hydrogenated” on the label. These substances meet the medical dictionary definition for “poison” and should be totally avoided by everyone. Read labels, and do not buy anything with partially hydrogenated fats and oils listed. Period!
4 - NUTRITION: Tasting Nutrients (2)
You say that nutrients are really foods and should be chewed and tasted when taken. But what if the nutrient tastes bad?
Most people will get used to the taste of a nutrient if it is good for them. In fact, many nutrients will have a slightly pleasant taste if you need them, while they will have an unpleasant taste to those who do not have the same needs. If the taste of the nutrient cannot be tolerated, then mix it into some apple sauce, low fat cottage cheese, or some natural peanut butter, so that it can still be slightly tasted. This works well for children (and pets).
How do I taste the nutrient if it is a liquid in a perle or a powder in a capsule?
If the nutrient is a liquid in a perle, then you have two choices:
- 1) Break the perle between your teeth, taste the nutrient, and then swallow the rest of the perle; or
- 2) Poke a pin into the perle and squeeze out all of the oil into your mouth
If the nutrient is a powder in a capsule, then you also have two choices:
- 1) Crack the capsule open between your teeth, taste as much of the nutrient as possible, and then swallow the rest of the capsule; or
- 2) Open the capsule, pour the contents into your mouth, chew it up and swallow it.
5 - NUTRITION: Indicator Testing (3)
After I identify an Indicator of my problem, how long must I taste a nutrient before I re-measure the Indicator Test?
Within seconds. As soon as you can taste the nutrient, it means that your brain is aware of its presence in your mouth and the Indicator will either change or not change at that time.
Can a nutrient make an Indicator Test worse?
Yes. If the substance in detrimental to your health, it will make the Indicator Test worse. This is true with foods (food allergies is an example), supplements (especially if overdosed), and other toxic substances such as contaminated water. If an Indicator Test becomes worse after tasting it, avoid that substance!
If tasting a nutrient helps change an Indicator Test, should I taste it when I take it?
Absolutely! Nutritional supplements and herbal products are really foods, and hence should be tasted when taken. The only exceptions to this rule are:
- 1) Supplements that contain hydrochloric acid or other strong acids (e.g., ribonucleic acid.) The acidity of these supplements is enough to damage tooth enamel if they are routinely chewed.
- 2) Time-release supplements that are designed to be slowly broken down and absorbed in the digestive system.
Taste bud nerve endings are hard-wired not only to the taste centers of our brains, but to pathways leading to muscles. When we taste foods, we get an immediate reaction. In the case of a tainted food, we are able to spit it out before it gets deeper into our digestive systems. This is probably the reason that our mouths are closer to our brains than to our stomachs.
6 - NUTRITION: Nutrient Dosages (1)
What is a reasonable dose of a vitamin or mineral? Some people recommend very high doses and others say that supplements are unnecessary?
Each of our organs is created with a reserve capacity so that we can tolerate stresses beyond normal daily activities. These reserves range from four times to ten times what the organ needs for usual activity. When symptoms in an organ occur, it is usually due to a depletion of that organ’s reserves. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) and Daily Value (DV) levels are designed to keep the average person from becoming deficient.
When a person is under stress from any source, there is an increased use of nutrients and the RDAs and DVs are inadequate. There are Stop Your Pain Now! tapping methods to reduce stress as described in the short video on our Web TV Previews – Reduce Stress in Just 30 Seconds! and also in the DVD entitled “Stop Your Pain Now! – A Self-help Guide For Acute & Chronic Pain (Injuries, Arthritis, Low Back Pain & Much More!)” These techniques may reduce your needs for higher doses of nutrients by reducing your overall stress.
When we are trying to help the body to heal itself with natural remedies such as nutrition, we may have to supply up to ten times the RDA for the organ(s) under stress to just keep even with the depletion of the organ’s reserves. In fact, in some people, temporary doses higher than ten times the RDA may be required because they require levels of nutrients to replace depleted reserves in addition to keeping up with the increased stress. When the proper substances in the proper amounts are supplied, patients’ symptoms, particularly those associated with low energy, low stamina, hypoglycemia, and low adrenal function improve.
I have seen many patients overdosing on nutrients by improper self-prescribing. For example, low back pain often requires low dose vitamin E supplementation. By low dose, I mean 200 IU or less of a mixed tocopherols source of vitamin E per day. The DV for vitamin E is 30 IU per day. Most people who self-prescribe take at least 400 IU of vitamin E per day which is over ten times the RDA. Excess Vitamin E can create toxic effects and enhance, rather than relieve low back pain. You can look at our Web TV Previews and the short video Low Back Pain Relief for a simple technique that will help to relieve low back pain. However, if you continue to take an overdose of vitamin E, the pain will return.
Stick with four to ten times the RDA for any nutrients that you might supplement, and you will not experience any of these toxic effects.
7 - NUTRITION: Odors, Allergies, & Sensitivities (1)
I am very sensitive to chemicals and perfumes. What nutrients are most important for that?
Molybdenum is the most important nutrient for sensitivity to airborne chemicals including perfumes, gasoline fumes, tobacco smoke, and anything else in that category.
Selenium and vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) are two other important nutrients that can help a lower a person’s sensitivities to smells and odors. View the Web TV Preview video entitled Are You Sensitive to Perfumes & Odors for a brief overview of this information. You can use Indicator Testing (also a Web TV Preview video) to identify which of these nutrients is most compatible with your personal needs.
2 - Injury Recall Technique (IRT) (1)
How often must IRT be performed to be effective?
Most of the time, IRT needs to be performed only once to eliminate the muscle memory of an injury, even if the injury occurred many years ago. An area can be reinjured and then require additional application of IRT. This can be due to an injury that is still healing, and that gets reinjured during the healing process.
Mild re-injury often occurs often during physical therapy and rehabilitation procedures following serious injury (e.g., fracture, surgery) and the use of IRT (and the Stop Your Pain Now! techniques) usually speeds up the healing process. A recurrence of the need for IRT can also be due to an injury arising from chronic repetitive activity, such as occurs in some occupations.
I teach IRT (and Stop Your Pain Now! techniques) on the video program for clinicians entitled “Injury Recall Technique & Stop Your Pain Now! – A Doctor’s Guide For Treating with Acute & Chronic Pain.” It is available in The Better Health Shoppe.