Dr. Schmitt briefly demonstrates relationships between the neuromuscular and immune systems in a manner that explains why immune system issues are intimately involved in many problems not usually attributed to immune dysfunction. This seminar is not an applied kinesiology or neurology seminar and has been attended, understood, and applied by a wide variety of practitioners
From these seminar recordings, you will learn about:
- Immune conditions: “what to do first, next, & last”
- Simplifying complex immune system principles
- The overlooked importance of the innate immune system in clinical practice
- The adaptive immune system – “why a cold lasts a week”
- Nutrients and phytonutrients for immune control
- The role of soft tissue reflex manipulation for immune function
- Too much and not enough immune activity in:
- Infection
- Infection
Applying all of these with precision for each patient’s individual needs
The Clinical Pearls: Immune Modulation DVDs are edited and fully indexed.