

Dr. Walter H. Schmitt, D.C., D.I.B.A.K., D.A.B.C.N., is a chiropractic physician located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He is the developer of “Stop Your Pain Now!” ― techniques created for use by both patients and their doctors to relieve acute and chronic pain. These techniques are detailed in his popular mini-guidebook and its companion CD, as well as his DVDs.

He is a graduate of Duke University (1970) and the National College of Chiropractic (1974). In 1991, Dr. Wally became the first doctor to hold Diplomate status in both Applied Kinesiology and Chiropractic Neurology. He served on the Board of Directors of the International College of Applied Kinesiology for 19 years and as a Trustee for the Foundation for Allied Conservative Therapies Research (FACTR).

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Philosophy – “Expect Better Health”

What level of health do you expect? How many symptoms do you consider “normal”? Whether you’re a patient or a doctor (and even doctors are patients sometimes), what level of health do you believe is achievable?

Patients often accept daily pain, fatigue and disability. They think, “Well, it’s simply a part of life,” or “Oh, I guess I’m just getting older.” But the truth is that you shouldn’t feel pain. You shouldn’t feel tired all the time. There are no “normal headaches” and no “normal back pain.” Don’t settle. The body has amazing abilities to heal itself, given the proper therapy and the proper chemistry in the tissues.

As you may well know, mediocre outcomes in healthcare have become the norm. Sure, there are miracles of modern medicine. However, the average problems associated with daily living and aging are dealt with poorly. Don’t allow the low expectations of other people or healthcare professionals to limit your potential for improved health.

The human body is capable of far more than is considered “normal.” How much better can your health be? Only as good as the expectations of the patient and the doctor.

Expect Better Health. We do. On this site, we provide simple self-help tools and easy-to-apply information that will produce measurable differences in your daily quality of life. This improvement in your well-being can help you reach the realization of your human potential. In doing so, your changes will help improve the lives of your family, friends and coworkers, which could further extend to your community, and finally throughout the world. There is much to be attained.